This blog post is part of our #femalefintech initiative to showcase women in the fintech scene.

My name is Tamara Ferreira Schmidt, a German Chancellor Fellow and a Research Fellow at German Crowdfunding Association. I am originally from Brazil and have now been living in Berlin for 6 months. I have a 14-year corporate background in brokers, regulation institution and stocks and futures exchange.

The goal of my current project is to understand how alternative financing and policy instruments could foster the entrepreneurial ecosystem. I also give lectures and create content about startups and investments. With a degree in Physics, I have always been in predominantly male places. Since the beginning of my career, I tried to stand out through technical skills. I knew since early in my life that education was the only possible way for me.

The path is hard and challenging, especially when there are few models to inspire you. Fortunately, the lack of female representativeness in those areas has changing and the financial market started to realise that companies, investments, teams more diverse not only perform better but also represent what is acceptable from the new customer’s point of view. Of course, gender equality is still a long way off and that is why initiatives that give visibility for women’s histories and promote this discussion in our society are essential and urgent.

Although the fintech market is open for changes, we know that the numbers of female founders and women in leadership positions are still low. There are clear obstacles related to professional advancement, often reinforced by a homogeneous and poor worldview. At the same time, through this market women can become financially independent, owners of their own lives. Financial education and investment planning are great tools to reduce inequality. It is great to see more and more women close to the investment universe. This indicates new possibilities and a reduction in wage inequality, another big challenge.

I hope to see soon a market where the famous motto “Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket” goes beyond asset allocation, where diversification is also pursued in any company, team and society as a fundamental value.

Originally published on the website of Bundesverband Crowdfunding:

Tamara Ferreira Schmidt

Física, empreendedora, especialista em mercado financeiro com fortes habilidades analíticas e quantitativas. Movida pela curiosidade e pelo objetivo de fazer a diferença atuo com inovação em iniciativas independentes.

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