Tokenization in Crowdinvesting Platforms – How Blockchain Technology and Alternative Financing can Revolutionize the Financial Market Together (a Look at the German and Brazilian Markets)

Like any other token or digital contract, securities tokens represent a security investment contract on a blockchain. Their offerings, called STOs (Security Token Offerings), are treated like any other security offering, making financial service regulations apply to most token generations events that represent an investment or qualify as tradable security. Read more…

Segmentation x portfolio expansion – the early stage ventures’ support in the way of neobanks’ profitability (a Look at the German and Brazilian Markets)

The number of banks in Germany has been in continuous decline over the past few decades, reflecting pressure to rationalize and cut costs. Despite this shrinking of the market in terms of institutions number, the size of the German banking system in terms of total assets to GDP (Gross Domestic Read more…

Crowd, Angel and Venture Capital Investors – the best combination to build successful startups growth cycles (a look at the German and Brazilian markets)

The German startup ecosystem has stood out on the European market not only for innovation’s high level but also for the great financing offers in the region. The biggest hub, Berlin, offers EUR 1.2 million as a median seed round and EUR 7.3 million as a median series A round, Read more…

#femalefintech – Women in Financial Technology: „Financial education and investment planning are great tools to reduce inequality.“

This blog post is part of our #femalefintech initiative to showcase women in the fintech scene. My name is Tamara Ferreira Schmidt, a German Chancellor Fellow and a Research Fellow at German Crowdfunding Association. I am originally from Brazil and have now been living in Berlin for 6 months. I have Read more…

O que as plataformas de crowdfunding tem feito no combate aos impactos do COVID-19

Não é novidade que a pandemia mudou completamente a sociedade e, consequentemente, o mercado em que estamos inseridos. Desafios antes nem sequer imaginados, agora fazem parte da realidade de muitas empresas. No entanto, em meio às dificuldades e, muitas vezes à desesperança, algumas plataformas de financiamento coletivo, conhecidas como plataformas Read more…

12 plataformas de investimento coletivo – inclua o crowdfunding no seu portfólio

Essa é a terceira parte de uma série de textos sobre investimento coletivo. Se você ainda não leu a segunda parte, confira esse artigo: “Crowdfunding: a gestão de riscos e o retorno exponencial dos investimentos coletivos“. Como vimos na primeira parte desta série de textos, as plataformas são especializadas na intermediação Read more…